Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is Mcafee a fraud?

Ever since i purchased my computer 7 months back, i've had the so called, "Mcafee Security Center" installed. I paid for 3 year subscription at once. 7 months later my computer started having very bad performance. Often the browsers would freeze, whatever i'm typing would vanish, or the keys won't work, etc etc.

I kept checking and realized i have the latest updates. Then my friend tell me that mcafee is bogus and their all 4 in one integrated (virus-scan, firewall, antispyware, spam) mcafee security center is utterly fake. He suggested me to use 3 seperate softwares for firewall, antivirus and antispyware of 3 different companies.

I then subscribed to avira antivirus, Pc tools Spy doctor and Commodo firewall. My computer problems ended right away. Avira detected several viruses on hard drives, which mcafee could never do. Spy doctor detected 298 files full of malware and adware, and the commodo firewall blocked lots of intrusions.

Now computer is good. So is Mcafee a fraud?

Is Mcafee a fraud?panda

No, mcafee is not a "fraud", but also definitely not my first choice for antivirus (Although WAY WAY ahead of norton and panda)

No antivirus product is going to catch 100% of the viruses, especially "spyware or malware" there are so many different "definitions" of spyware. What one person may allow on their system is different than what another will allow. By the same token, different spyware programs will treat different programs/cookies/registry entries different. Some will detect as spyware, other's won't.

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