Saturday, June 19, 2010

PC problem. Dont know wether it is a hardware or software failure?

So my computer always tends to : 1) freeze up 2) Crash -%26gt; turn off -%26gt; restart

point 1) occurs when i am using Mword, Opera, Firefox etc

To solve point 1) i defragmentated, Uninstalled my old antivirus and replaced it with a new one (Bitdefender), Installed a Registory program and ran it, deleted old unwanted files, folders and programs. I ran antivirus scans and found barely nothing, i also systemed restored. Both point 1) and 2) occured less and less.

Until yesterday when i was typing up my College Practicals, when my computer froze up again.

I forced it to shutdown %26gt; Wait for 2 min %26gt; Trned on the pc %26gt; waited for windows to load normally%26gt; error scan %26gt; login screen %26gt; desktop loaded %26gt; tried to make backup %26gt; froze again

rebooted %26gt; 8] %26gt; last known good configuration %26gt; error scan %26gt; freezes before the login screen can load

reboot%26gt; [f8] %26gt; debugging mode %26gt; freezes

reboot%26gt; f8 %26gt; safe mode %26gt; freezes even before loading

Can anyone guide me towards the right direction

PC problem. Dont know wether it is a hardware or software failure?anti virus protection

What does the event log say - check the system log and application log. Get a diagnostic program that will boot from your computer and test the memory. This is probably the cause of freezing - also it could be CPU temp running to hot.

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