Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is it possible to be hacked when browsing web with your mobile phone?

I hv a N70 phone. Sometimes I used my pc's internet connection via bluetooth and sometimes use "direct connection" (via GPRS) with my phone's browser. The first one would be somewhat safer becuz of my pc's firewall, right? But I don't know about the second one. Is it safe browsing the web without any firewall, anti-spyware software or antivirus program? Thanks in advance 4 taking time 2 answer my question!

Is it possible to be hacked when browsing web with your mobile phone?anti virus protection

Any wireless connection is risky.

I also hope you are keeping track of the cost for that. Even if didn't sign up for the service your cell will allow Internet access, but they charge you high! Someone I know racked up a $350 bill.

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