I want to know how I can stop this my antivirus and spyware software report my system is clean could it be someone has hacked my yahoo account...will changing the password help?
who do I report this to?
I receieved an email advertising for Viagra...From My self.?download
Its just a trick. Forget about it.
I receieved an email advertising for Viagra...From My self.?hijackthis
You need to run your antivirus and spyware software in safe mode with system restore turned off. I suspect that you have an e-mail virus that "spoofs" your address book and sends out spam as though it came from someone on your address list (in this case, you). Running in safe mode and with system restore turned off will ensure the virus cannot hide in any inaccessible system areas.
Maybe yourself is trying to tell you something?
Seriously though, there's nothing you can do about it except report it to spamcop, in which case there will still be nothing done about it. Spammers have no life and send out tons of nonsensical crap so they have at least something to do.
How they got your address? Well, if you signed up anywhere (like yahoo for example) and your address is visible to the public, or they also just make guesses at email addresses.
Either way, by switching email addresses you can stop it for a while, but it will start again.
I use Mailwasher so it automatically deletes the emails at the server level. That way I never see them.
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